• 801 E. Wheeler Road, Moses Lake, WA 98837
  • Open 24 hours

Physical Therapy

Physical therapist helps young man stretch arm.


Physical Therapy

The skilled physical therapy professionals at Samaritan provide quality inpatient and outpatient rehabilitative care. They specialize in evaluating and treating conditions, such as pre- and post-surgical care; pain in the back, neck, and extremities; strains and sprains; injuries related to work or sports; neurological or orthopaedic injuries; and more.

Our therapists are credentialed in the McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT)—an assessment process that identifies the best treatment solutions for back, neck, and extremity problems. It is an active, patient-centered approach driven by sound clinical reasoning with an ultimate goal of self-management and future prevention.

The Physical Therapy Department has also received the “Outcomes Excellence Award” from Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes (FOTO) every year since joining FOTO in 2012. As the standard in measuring rehabilitation outcomes, these awards are measured quarterly throughout the year. This ongoing evaluation process reveals the dedication of our Physical Therapy Department to providing individual plans of care that lead to more effective and efficient outcomes as well as higher patient satisfaction.

Our Inpatient Department works closely with Medical/Surgical, Advance Care, the Hospitalists program, Social Services/Care Management, and the Education Department, as well as the Emergency Department and the Short Stay Nursing Unit. Our Outpatient Department also works with Family Medicine, Orthopaedics, Urgent Care, and Pediatrics.

Contact us to tour our Physical Therapy Department.

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