Samaritan Healthcare (Grant County Public Hospital District No. 1) provides healthcare services for Moses Lake and the surrounding communities. Our focus has been, and continues to be, to provide healthcare services that improve the well-being of the people of our community.
Our board of commissioners is a diverse collection of publicly elected citizens with an important goal in mind: to provide high-quality healthcare services that are in alignment with our mission, vision and values. The 5-person board of commissioners is an elected assembly whose members have varying expertise. This gathering brings many viewpoints and provides an overall understanding of the healthcare field. Our board of commissioners meets monthly, and members volunteer to attend various committees and community functions as well. They are an integral part of our community.
- Click here for the Notice of Public Hearing (Posted 7/15/22; Held 7/26/2022)
- Click here for the Proposed Plan to Revise Boundaries of Commissioner Districts (Posted 7/15/2022)
- Click here to see Approved Plan for District 3 (Approved at General Board Meeting 8/23/2022)
Board Meeting Agendas
- 01/25/2024 Special Board Meeting Notice
- 01/23/2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda
- 02/20/2024 Regional Governance
- 02/27/2024 Agenda
- 03/26/2024 Agenda
- 04/16/2024 Regional Governance
- 04/23/2024 Agenda
- 05/21/2024 Agenda
- 06/18/2024 Agenda
- 07/16/2024 Regional Governance (Cancelled)
- 07/23/2024 Agenda
- 08/27/2024 Agenda
- 08/29/2024 Special Board Meeting Notice
- 09/24/2024 Agenda
- 10/15/2024 Regional Governance
- 10/22/2024 Agenda
- 10/24/2024 Special Board Meeting Notice
- 11/12/2024 Agenda
- 12/17/2024 Agenda
- 01/18/2023 Special Meeting Notice
- 01/24/2023 Special Meeting Agenda
- 01/24/2023 Regional Governance
- 01/31/2023 Agenda
- 02/21/2023 Agenda
- 03/28/2023 Agenda
- 04/25/2023 Agenda
- 04/28/2023 Special Meeting Notice
- 05/16/2023 Regional Governance
- 05/23/2023 Agenda
- 06/20/2023 Agenda
- 07/25/2023 Agenda
- 08/15/2023 Regional Governance
- 08/16/2023 Special Meeting Notice
- 08/22/2023 Agenda
- 09/07/2023 Special Meeting Notice
- 09/13/2023 Special Meeting Notice
- 09/26/2023 Agenda
- 10/24/2023 Agenda
- 11/14/2023 Agenda (Budget Hearing)
- 11/21/2023 Regional Governance
- 12/07/2023 Special Meeting Notice
- 12/12/2023 Agenda
- 01/25/2022 Agenda
- 02/02/2022 Special Meeting Agenda
- 02/22/2022 Agenda
- 03/22/2022 Agenda
- 04/06/2022 Special Meeting Agenda
- 04/08/2022 Special Meeting Agenda
- 04/26/2022 Agenda
- 05/24/2022 Agenda
- 06/01/2022 Regional Governance
- 06/20/2022 Agenda
- 07/14/2022 Special Meeting Agenda
- 07/24/2022 Special Meeting Agenda
- 07/26/2022 Agenda
- 08/16/2022 Regional Governance
- 08/23/2022 Agenda
- 09/27/2022 Agenda
- 10/14/2022 Special Meeting Agenda
- 10/25/2022 Agenda
- 11/08/2022 Agenda
- 11/18/2022 Special Meeting Agenda
- 12/06/2022 Special Meeting Agenda
- 12/13/2022 Agenda
- 12/14/2021 Agenda
- 11/16/2021 Regional Governance
- 11/11/2021 Agenda
- 10/29/2021-10/30/2021 Notice of Special Meeting
- 10/26/2021 Agenda
- 10/04/2021 Agenda
- 09/23/2021 Notice of Special Meeting
- 08/24/2021 Agenda
- 07/27/2021 Agenda
- 06/27/2021 Notice of Special Meeting
- 06/22/2021 Agenda
- 05/25/2021 Agenda
- 04/27/2021 Agenda
- 03/23/2021 Agenda
- 02/23/2021 Agenda
- 02/16/2021 Regional Governance
- 01/26/2021 Agenda
- 12/15/2020 Agenda
- 11/11/2020 Agenda
- 10/27/2020 Agenda
- 09/29/2020 Agenda
- 08/26/2020 Regional Governance
- 08/25/2020 Agenda
- 07/28/2020 Agenda
- 07/09/2020 Special Meeting Notice & Agenda
- 06/23/2020 Agenda
- 05/26/2020 Agenda
- 04/28/2020 Agenda
- 03/31/2020 Agenda
- 03/20/2020 Special Meeting Notice & Agenda
- 02/25/2020 Agenda
- 02/08/2020 Special Meeting Notice & Agenda
- 1/28/2020 Agenda
- 12/23/2019 Special Meeting Notice & Agenda
- 12/17/2019 Agenda
- 12/4/2019 Agenda
- 11/12/2019 Agenda
- 10/29/2019 Agenda
- 9/17/2019 Agenda
- 8/27/2019 Agenda
- 8/21/2019 Regional Governance
- 7/30/2019 Agenda
- 6/18/2019 Agenda
- 5/28/2019 Agenda
- 5/22/2019 Regional Governance
- 4/30/2019 Agenda
- 4/11/2019 Special Meeting Agenda
- 3/26/2019 Agenda
- 3/16/2019 Special Meeting Agenda
- 2/26/2019 Agenda
- 1/29/2019 Agenda
Meet Our Commissioners
Commissioner Christian can be reached at
Katherine Christian was appointed to the Board of Commissioners in April of 2018. Christian is a Registered Nurse with over 40 years of clinical experience, and currently serves as the Director of Health Education Programs at Big Bend Community College.
Born and raised in Southern California, Christian earned a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Southern California in 1975, prior to beginning her nursing education. In addition, she has earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing from the University of the State of New York in 1988; and a Master’s of Science in Nursing from the University of Phoenix in 2005. Her nursing career has provided a broad base of experience, including general acute care and ICU. She has also worked in home health, and served as office manager for a family practice, in addition to nursing education.
She and her family moved to the Moses Lake in the early 1990s, and they have remained committed to volunteering and giving back to the area they call home. This is Christian’s second time serving on the Hospital’s Board of Commissioners, having previously held a seat from 2003-2013. Most recently, she has served the District’s Safety & Quality Committee for the last 4 years.
Married since 1975, Christian and her husband Mike raised three children here in the basin and now enjoy watching the next generation of their family grow up.
Commissioner White can be reached at
Alan White was appointed to the position of board secretary in January 2014. His tenure on the board began in July 2010. White was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota; spent some time in California; and then lived in Boise, Idaho, before moving to the Columbia Basin in 1996. He received a bachelor of arts in education from Boise State University in 1979 and graduated from the University of Puget Sound Law School in 1982.
White has practiced law for 28 years, in Boise, Idaho, and Moses Lake, Washington. He has been in private practice and has worked for various government agencies as a prosecuting attorney and a public defender. His current practice emphasizes criminal defense and family law. He has volunteered in the past for the Pelican Point Homeowners Association and the Moses Lake United Methodist Church youth group.
White and his wife, Lynn, were married in 1978 and have 2 children, Nathaniel and Emily. The family enjoys snow skiing and water skiing or wakeboarding. White also plays handball and racquetball and occasionally gets some kayaking and windsurfing time on Moses Lake.
Commissioner Paris can be reached at
Dale Paris was appointed to the position of board president in January 2014. Paris previously held the position of board secretary from January 2012 to December 2013. His tenure on the board began in August 2009. Paris was born in Memphis, Tennessee, and arrived in Moses Lake when his father was stationed at Larson Air Force Base in 1960. He received bachelor of arts degrees in business administration–personnel management (1974) and professional accounting (1989), both from Eastern Washington University.
Paris worked 30 years for the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries, retiring in 2008. He held positions as auditor, regional audit supervisor, litigation specialist and legal manager for the department. Paris has also served in the Washington Air National Guard; owned a retail boat business; and volunteered in various capacities with the Moses Lake Youth Soccer Association, Pelican Point Homeowners Association and Moses Lake Alliance Church.
Paris and his wife, Patti, were married in 1973 and have 1 son, Tyler. They enjoy backpacking, skiing, climbing and most other outdoor activities.
Commissioner Frick can be reached at
Tom Frick has served on the board since 1991. He is a past president of the board, serving from January 2000 to January 2007 and again from January 2012 to December 2013. He previously held the position of secretary of the board from April 2010 to December 2011. Frick grew up and still lives in the northeast corner of the district, 11 miles south of Marlin and midway between Moses Lake and Odessa. He has farmed there since 1984, raising dry-land and irrigated wheat and barley.
Before he began to farm, Frick earned a bachelor of science degree in aeronautics and astronautics from the University of Washington in 1974 and a master of science degree in engineering mechanics from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1975. From 1975 to 1984, he worked as an engineering analyst at the Applied Physics Laboratory of John Hopkins University.
Frick is a member of the Washington Association of Wheat Growers, attends Salem Lutheran Church in Marlin and is a volunteer for Grant County Fire District No. 5.
As a board member, Frick serves on the finance and joint conference committees, ad hoc. He is also a past member of the Washington State Hospital Association (WSHA) Governance Committee and is a volunteer for the WSHA Targeted Advocacy Campaign. Frick has special interests in hospital district law, district accountability to its patrons and taxpayers, and emergency medical services for the rural areas of the district.
Commissioner Carbon can be reached at
Susan Carbon joined the Samaritan Healthcare Board of Commissioners in July of 2020. Prior to her appointment, Susan served as a math teacher with the Moses Lake School District for 14 years, recently serving as the department chairperson for Moses Lake High School. She was born and raised in southern Idaho, but attended the University of Idaho where she received her Bachelor of Science in Accounting.
Upon her arrival in Moses Lake, Susan worked as an accountant for a variety of local businesses before discovering her love of teaching. In 2004, she received her Math Minor and Teaching Certificate from Central Washington University, and began her career with Moses Lake School District shortly thereafter. Outside of her career, Susan has been actively involved in the greater Moses Lake community, serving on a number of local non-profit boards and outreach committees. Susan was an active community participant in Samaritan’s #BuildCommunity workshops, and has served on the Samaritan Healthcare Foundation Board since 2015.
Susan and her husband Carl have lived in Moses Lake for 31 years, and have two grown daughters, both of whom also graduated from the University of Idaho. Adriana currently works as a chemical engineer for a local industry leader, and Heather is a graduate student at Washington State University.